We are starting something new at OMNI Book Publishing; the printing of Special Editions. These are richly bound copies of your book made in elegant silk or pure leather, and gold lettering on the cover and spine.
We will print 26 copies of the book (one for each letter in the alphabet) and they will be marked from A to Z. Of course, all 26 copies must be ordered by the author at the same time; we cannot separate the order. Collectors seek special edition of books and some of them go to any length to obtain whatever letter they usually collect; other collectors will be happy to just get a copy, no matter what the letter is. The author's family will also be proud to have one of these special books that will enhance their bookcases because of the richness and elegance of their binding. Think what will happen if your book makes an entry into Hollywood's gold portals, or if it becomes a national best-seller!
Something else that we can do: even if your book was published by someone else we can still offer you a special edition of your work for an extra $100 to re-format your manuscript. You need to make sure that you own the rights to your book with the company that published it; give us a call at the number listed in the next paragraph and we'll discuss with you how we can publish your own special edition. OMNI Book Publishing is the only self-publishing company that offers special editions at this moment!
The full price of this program is $1795 per set of 26 books plus shipping costs when applicable. This must be prepaid before we place the order to the company that makes these beautiful books, but if you have problems and need to make two payments, we will accept the first payment of $1000 and a post-dated check in the amount of the balance and dated no more than 30 days from the first check. Both checks should arrive at the same time in our office.
These special edition books will not have an ISBN or EAN barcode so that you can place your chosen price to them. We can, however, print the price you wish in the back page of the book. OMNI Books has no input on the price you put on your own special edition book, but we can discuss it with you and keep you realistic.
Please call us at 888-541-2942 or email us at omnibookpublishing@att.net requesting more information regarding this new collection, or requesting a copy of the sales contract. We look forward to explaining more about the program and how your book can participate.
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